06.29(목) ~ 07.01(토)
06.29(목) ~ 07.01(토)
CEO | Maengho Shin |
Category | Robotics / AI Appliance / IoT / ICT&S/W / Drone ·UAM / Mobility (Automobile, Personal Mobility, UAM etc.) / Autonomous Driving / Electronic Manufacturing Parts / Battery & Service / PPURI(Casting, Mold, Plastic Working, Welding, Surface/Heat Treatment etc.) / 3D printing / Part and technology / Processing·Injection·Press / Smart Factory |
brochure | company brochure (Download) |
Website | http://www.unido-itpo.kr |
Introduction | The UNIDO ITPO Korea, a specialized agency of the United Nations, facilitates the overseas expansion of Korean companies, supports investments, and strengthens partnerships with developing countries to promote industrial development. In particular, for Korean companies aspiring to expand abroad, ITPO Korea arranges meetings with various stakeholders, including government officials, national agencies, regional offices, and potential investors from UNIDO member countries, striving to enhance networking opportunities. UNIDO ITPO Korea invites government officials and investment experts from developing countries to provide free one-on-one consultations with domestic companies. |