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06.29(목) ~ 07.01(토)


HOME Exhibition > Online Exhibition


06.29(목) ~ 07.01(토)


Online Exhibition

Korea Automotive Technology Institute
CEO Seungsik Na
Category Mobility (Automobile, Personal Mobility, UAM etc.) / Autonomous Driving / Electronic Manufacturing Parts / PPURI(Casting, Mold, Plastic Working, Welding, Surface/Heat Treatment etc.) / Part and technology / ICT&S/W
brochure company brochure (Download)
Website https://www.katech.re.kr/
Introduction - Electric and Hydrogen power system
- Hydrogen mobility and charging safety securing technology
- Harsh environment material property analysis
- Vehicle body chassis/part weight lightening and hight-efficiency production technology
- Big data-based electric apparatus part reliability technology
- Purpose-based vehicle platform and specialized technology

Product List

  • 한국자동차연구원
  • 한국자동차연구원
  • 한국자동차연구원
  • List