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06.29(목) ~ 07.01(토)


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06.29(목) ~ 07.01(토)


Online Exhibition

CEO Chae Inwon
Category Mobility (Automobile, Personal Mobility, UAM etc.) / Robotics / Etc.
brochure company brochure (Download)
Website http://www.eco-peace.co.kr/
Introduction AI water purification robot
Excessive green algae in water bodies do not only deteriorate water quality, but they can lead to massive die-offs in fish and animals, and also impact humans by causing illness, cancer, or even death. Manual removal by workers is too dangerous, expensive, and can use harmful chemicals, and eco-friendly solutions take too long to take effect. AI water purification robot is an autonomous algae removal system that quickly and efficiently removes green algae. Our innovation also uniquely forecasts and identifies issues before green algae turn into disasters. Through preemptive action, our robot promptly eliminates these threats, preventing their escalation.

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